Premier League clubs told to tone down criticism of VAR ahead of new season

The Premier League wishes to brush the problems that exist with VAR under the carpet. Who could imagine such incompetence?

The latest from the Premier League and the whole VAR debate is that club managers and executives have been asked, or warned, to tone down their criticism of the technology as they believe it helps foster an environment of negativity around the system.

It’s a laughable claim given the amount of negativity that has surrounded officiating for decades. Long before VAR existed, I can remember leaving Old Trafford and bickering with fellow Reds about decisions made by officials.

According to the Manchester Evening News, all 20 clubs have had a visit from the Premier League during pre-season to discuss VAR, with changes to how the system will work explained to players and managers, as well as video examples to show how subjective some calls can be.

The report explains: “This season VAR will put a renewed focus on what is being termed ‘referee’s call’ to get the Video Assistant Referee to only become involved if a decision reaches a high bar for review and is considered ‘clear and obvious’.”

This comes after Wolves put forward a motion to get rid of VAR, which was supported by the majority of match-going Manchester United fans.

It was sadly defeated by 19 votes to one at the Premier League’s AGM.

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