Manchester United issue statement on Antony’s domestic abuse allegations

Manchester United have issued a statement following domestic abuse allegations made against Brazilian winger Antony.

The club were put under enormous after Antony was dropped from the Brazil squad on Monday night.

This meant another media storm was emerging, and one Manchester United certainly want not part in after the Mason Greenwood case.

However, unlike Greenwood, Antony has been quick to deny claims made against him by ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin.

This afternoon United issued a statement to confirm the club are aware of the allegations against Antony.

“Manchester United acknowledges the allegations made against Antony and notes that the Police are conducting enquiries,” the statement read via

“Pending further information, the club will be making no further comments.

“As a club, we are taking the matter seriously, with consideration of the impact of these allegations and subsequent reporting will have on survivors of abuse.”

Manchester United were heavily criticised for their internal investigation into Greenwood’s case, which eventually led to the right decision that saw the striker not integrated with the first-team. Instead, he was loaned out to Spanish side Getafe.

It is believed Greenwood will never play for the club again, so there is hope his loan move to Spain will lead to a permanent switch away from Old Trafford.

Antony will hope his situation is cleared up quickly before it starts to have a bigger impact on his career.

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  1. New manager, new coaching staff, new players, same old Snowflake problems at United!! Wow!! How things have changed over the past decade!! I can’t say I am surprised!! Does no one emphatically tell these new managers, coaches, and players that this is Manchester United – The Religion they are coming to?!? It might as well be a high-powered microscope!!

    To my mind, United’s problems all stem from the top. Owners who use their clubs as ATMs hire managers and coaches who they think will produce in a year or two. These managers and coaches, in turn, bring in players that they think can produce on the pitch, right away.

    Somewhere in this crazy “musical people” shuffle, character, integrity, and personality get lost or overlooked!! Ole was our best chance since Sir Alex!! Too bad the Glazers did not look past the dollar signs!! Greenwood could have been saved, and Antony would be somewhere else.

    1. By heck: so much to unpick here.
      Why do you say ‘snowflake problems’, and what exactly do you mean by that?
      Managers & coaches bringing in players they think can produce straight away? Erm, yes, that’s the sort I want them to bring in.
      Ole began well, no doubt about that, but he and the team had lost their way by the end.
      And you think if OGS had still been in charge the allegations against Greenwood would have been overlooked? That would have been wrong: gutted to lose the striker, lose the person he *appears* to be -nope.

      1. Nice try trying to argue rather than debate by jumping to erroneous conclusions to put me on the defensive. So let me set the record straight to help clear up what you appear to be construing or misconstuing (your pick). I’ll start with the “Virtue Signaling” last issue, first, Greenwood. Please bear with my loquacious response.

        No one suggested that what Greenwood did should be overlooked (as you appear to imply that I am saying); except for by the Victim and The Law!! The only person bringing up overlooking Greenwood’s actions is you, in a Virtue Signaling Kind Of Way.

        Now, I am not a Greenwood fan at all, not even as an academy player. And no one on earth can absolve his transgressions, but The Victim and The Law.

        The victim certainly has, as have the witnesses. The Law saw enough that they couldn’t pursue the case, which is a defacto forgiveness!! The only people unwilling to forgive are the Virtue signalers out who dont care about forgiveness and redemption.

        What I was suggesting was that maybe, with Ole, intervention might have occurred before the situation was exacerbated. But enough about Greenwood.

        Next; managers and coaches bringing in players they think will make an impact right away, in itself is normal and acceptable; what I find objectionable is that it seems to me that these players are being brought in without being vetted for significant personality and character flaws!! And our brought in players seem to have more character and personality flaws than those on other teams!! Are We selecting wrong?!? Nonetheless, you are getting your way, ETH is bringing in the players he thinks will make an impact, and at least one so far, is turning out to be a potential dice crap-shoot.

        Thirdly; what I mean by Snowflakes is that these are what I view to be low quality personality people (in our case players). Just look at what we brought in since SAF; Depay, Pogba, Sanchez, Di Maria, Sancho, Bailly, and even Shaw the first few years after his arrival (it took Tellas to kick him into the next level), to name just a few.

        I am talking about whiners, whingers, malcontents, and those needing mental health breaks weeks and months at a time. These are players we are bringing in, and they are not performing. To be sure, we, also, have a few homegrown Snowflakes, as well. But these are our own homegrown burdens, as they came out of our system.

        The question begs to be asked, why do we bring in an inordinate amount of Snowflakes at our club than any other top-tier club?!? I repeat the same question from my original comment; “does no one emphatically tell these new managers, coaches, and players that this is Manchester United they are coming to?!?” That Everything here is noticed and noted!!

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