Mason Greenwood teammates support Manchester United return

Mason Greenwood has the support of his Manchester United teammates ahead of a potential return.

According to The Sun, senior players at Manchester United believe the 21-year-old has been left in “limbo” after charges including attempted rape were withdrawn.

Greenwood has been suspended by the club since his arrest, but it sounds like talks over his future are set to conclude before United’s Premier League opener against Wolves.

He was charged last October with attempted rape, sexual assault and controlling behaviour, and a trial set for November.

But the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the charges in February.

A source told the newspaper: “All the players believe he deserves a second chance because he’s innocent in the eyes of the law.

“He didn’t have the opportunity to clear his name in court because the charges were dropped, so the players feel like he has been left in limbo.

“They know it will be difficult but they are willing to support him through it, and protect him.

“Some of the younger players came through the academy with him so there’s a loyalty to him.

“They know he’s made mistakes but the lads who’ve spoken to him say he’s grown up a lot in the past 18 months and will come back a lot wiser.”

Truthfully, a lot of this seems like PR guff, and I would be curious to know which member of the Greenwood’s family is getting their side of the story out there.

I wonder if Greenwood will ever speak about the incident which completely destroyed his reputation.

United have yet to announce their decision on his future.

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More Stories Manchester United Mason Greenwood


  1. Seeing him alone in Manchester is so lovely.
    He deserves a second chance, he is raw talent. He needs to rebuild from the scratch, he can do that, he will
    Always ❤Utd

      1. Don’t agree, we have all made mistakes in our lives. The lad should be given a second chance.

      2. We love Mason Greenwood, we want him back and he deserves a second chance, we are united we don’t abandon our own,we won’t start today,did he f up yes! His case was dropped by his then girlfriend now wife, who now has a baby ,her family isn’t pressing charges,I don’t understand the white knighting and the holier than thou attitude towards, most of you attacking him have done worse or said worst thing ,even shone a light on will get you in trouble.

  2. This boy deserve a second chance, he’s One of the biggest talent that comes from our academy, can’t wait to see him play ❤️

  3. It’s a complex and emotionally-charged matter. I’m glad I’m not the decision-maker.

    On the one hand, even a minority of Utd fans against his return could still be very vocal, not to mention away fans and other detractors. It could create unnecessary unpleasantness and have flow-on effects in the Utd universe, spanning players, sponsors, partners, media …

    On the other hand, presumption of innocence, rules of evidence and prohibition of individuals taking their own punitive actions are all there precisely for this kind of thing – to stop accused persons (including Mason Greenwood) from being ‘punished’ for something not proven. Everyone is free to form their own opinions but (and this is a matter of law in many cases) everyone is _not_ free to carry out their own punishment, including firing someone based on factors other than performance and suitability to the job.

    Many pundits fallback on the ‘half-way point’ of loaning him out. I think that’s a bit of a cop-out … but it’s not necessarily the wrong decision for the club as a whole. Some moral courage is required here whichever way it goes.

    I will trust that the board’s decision on this matter is based on a thorough investigation and is in the best interests of the club.

  4. We want this guy back, we all made mistakes in the past and we were given second and third chances, if not thousand chances,

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