Avram Glazer breaks silence on potential Manchester United sale

Avram Glazer has been asked for an update on the Manchester United takeover process.

The Glazer family announced in November that the club is up for sale, but Avram Glazer has since stressed that there is no timeframe for when a deal might be completed. Manchester United fans will hope something gets done by spring – so that the new owners are in place before the start of the 2023/24 season.

The Athletic managed to get up close to Avram outside the Al Bay Stadium in Qatar on Wednesday night, when Adam Leventhal asked Manchester United’s co-owner for an update on the sale of the club.

“It’s not necessarily a sale, it’s a process and we’re going forward with the process, so we’ll see what happens,” Avram said.

This is a mere suggestion from Avram that there is a possibility that the Glazers may sell a stake of the club. That way they could keep control of their most prized asset which they have used as a commercial cash cow for the past 17-years.

Personally, I think they are looking to cash in with a full sale right now. They are toxic to the brand and I don’t think many investors will want to work with them, unless they are people of the same ilk. Utterly obsessed with greed.

The Athletic pushed Avram further with a question on how many parties have shown an interest in buying Manchester United.

He added: “I’m here to really watch the World Cup but I appreciate your interest. That’s the update, it’s the process and the process is proceeding.”

Although this is a brief update from Avram Glazer, you’ve got to take everything he says with a pinch of salt. We’ve long reported that they had been considering a sale for at least six months.

Not only have the Glazers lied to United fans for years, but nobody is going to buy this idea of Avram being Qatar bound for the World Cup.

None of the Glazers care about football. Sport is purely a business to them.

More Stories #GlazersOut Avram Glazer Manchester United