MUST respond to Avram Glazer selling Manchester United shares

Prominent fan group Manchester United Supporters’ Trust (MUST) believe that Avram Glazer selling shares will help weaken the family’s stronghold over the club.

At the same time, the group insists shares must be made available to fans to help them gain a greater influence over the running of the club.

With Avram Glazer selling $100m (£71.5m) worth of United shares, MUST say: “On balance MUST welcomes this announcement of the sale of shares as a further small step towards a more diversified ownership model. Ultimately this is the Glazer family relinquishing some of its control, albeit in a relatively limited way. For those of us who want change in ownership model, the Glazer family selling shares is the only way this can happen.

“The downside of this move is that the shares being sold have inferior voting rights and the proceeds from the sale will not go into the club.

“We believe there is an alternative model that would allow fans to buy shares in a way that would benefit Manchester United and, in the long term, give supporters genuine influence. That requires a recognition of the special status of fan shareholders. In order to optimise the appeal to fans and maximise their participation in future share ownership we believe parity of voting rights, along with a direct benefit for the club by generating new funds to strengthen Manchester United both on and off the pitch, are key elements which need consideration.”

The Glazers only being in football for financial gain has never been something to doubt. And the fact United will see none of this money tells you everything you need to know.

The Glazers usually take dividends out of the club, even when the board is struggling to make signings so I don’t see that changing this year despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

This is a difficult time for football clubs yet Avram Glazer is set to pocket over £70m.

It just doesn’t owe up but hopefully each and every one of the parasites will be ran out of the club one day.

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